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A gremlin ate chapter three

It has come to our attention that the publisher had a formatting error which removed an entire chapter of Swoon from the Love is All anthology.

If you purchased or reviewed the anthology prior to 22 June 2022, then you'll have seen chapters 1, 2, and 3. But that 3 is actually chapter 4, and the real chapter 3 is missing. It's a swoon-worthy chapter central to the story. We don't want you to miss that! Plus, it's an entire quarter of the story.

An updated version of the anthology, with all 4 chapters of Swoon, has been uploaded to Amazon, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo. If you go into your library, you should see an option to get the update. Unfortunately, this affected the paperback too, which has also now been updated.

If you don't see an update in your ebook library, please contact any of the anthology authors with your receipt and we'll send the updated file your way.

If you haven't purchased the anthology yet, it's available for a few more weeks.

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